How to apply discount code?
Great! You have a discount code, so let's see how we can apply it on your order.
On desktop:
Click checkout on Cart, on the right side of the screen, enter Discount code & click apply. If code is valid, discount will be applied.
On Mobile:
Click checkout on Cart, click Show order summary, enter Discount code & click apply. If code is valid, discount will be applied.
Discount code not working?
There could be a number of reasons why your discount code is not working.
- Check if the code is spelled correctly (Upper or lower case doesn't matter)
- Check if the code has expired (you will have to check the source of where you got the code)
- Check if you have used the code previously, most code are one time use per customer
- Check if there is a total number of redemption allowed, if the total usage has been reached, you will not be able to redeem the code